I treasure the updates on "babies" I've placed through the years.  Here are a few of the nice notes I've received from wonderful folks who have purchased dogs from me. . .







We are celebrating Shandy's 4th birthday today. Seems like time has flown since he was that tiny little guy we brought home. I am sharing my favorite photo of him and his brother. Thank you for raising such a wonderful companion for me, I love him.








I thought you’d like to see Brodie on his 4th birthday today! Thank you for giving him to us. He’s just a joy!



"Banner" and "Taylor"





Poppy and Roxy
















"Poppy, our lively 3-year-old collie, was surprised when Roxy, a sweet and gentle 7-year-old collie, joined our family. Little did Poppy know, Roxy was not just a new addition, but her mother. The initial curiosity and tentative sniffing gradually evolved into a beautiful camaraderie. As days turned into weeks, their friendship blossomed, creating a harmonious blend of youthful exuberance and seasoned wisdom. Whether playfully chasing each other around the yard or sharing a cozy spot in the living room, the bond between Poppy and Roxy became a heartwarming testament to the enduring beauty of family, even in the furry realm. We are so thankful Roxy was able to come and make our family complete."













Eli loves the snow! He gets zoomies every day, and loves playing with the cat!









"Thank you for your gift of Charm, aka Charmee - She has truly charmed us and everyone else she meets. 

She is a joy to have."











Kate, with Ski, Flirt and Alyce













"It’s hard to believe today is Sadie’s birthday. She is 9 years old. Where has the time gone. She has become quite the couch potato. Lol although she still loves to go for walks during the day. Instead of one long walk we do several shorter walks throughout the day. She still loves going and gets excited when she hears the hall closet open to get her leash. She is such an amazing girl. I can’t tell you how many people she makes smile during the day. There is just something about that collie face. ❤️❤️❤️I recently got two parakeets and she is so gentle with them she actually chases them and herds them back into their cage. I am fully retired now and am so happy to get to spend my days with Sadie poppy and Sunny. They bring me so much joy."







I just wanted to update you on this gem of a puppy! He’s settling into his life as a farm collie and every morning we go on this walk through our fields behind our house. I think he was meant to be here with us.

He’s so good with other dogs and people and I take him up to the center of town for walks (concert on the Common last night) and even into our little market (well-behaved dogs and puppies welcome…). All of the techs at my vet’s office are in love with him, and my vet feels he’s perfect in all ways!

Rufus is the bright light we so desperately needed in our lives. He’s sweet, so darn cute, and I can’t wait to see what looks to be his red sable coat as an adult. And so far, his ear set seems flawless! (I always attempted to correct for prick ears in my previous ‘pet’ collies). My only complaint are those needle-sharp puppy teeth - ouch! Again, thank you so much for allowing this puppy to be part our lives.




Not all dogs dislike their mailmen...















Eli is thriving! Alexandra plays with him all the time. He loves squeaky toys. 

We registered him as Stonehaven Majestic Legend.







I just want to give you an update, Charm made the ride to the Cape with no problems at all, she did a lot of exploring of her new setting through the evening. Today we had her by our side as we went about our daily activities on the property, much to sniff out.

We worked on the basic commands and she picked them up quickly, and followed them up with a treat each time. - "Come", "Sit", (go) "Out". Her appetite is fine and she seems to be completely at ease with us.

The pic is of her keeping us company in the living room on her first night here. She is such a sweet little girl.







Happy New Year, Patti... from Brody and Daniela





Happy New Year from Gerry!







"She is the best girl ever!"







"Stonehaven Collies love to lie in front of a fire on a cold, grey November evening. They are the best bred collies. Not just beauties but with brains!"




"Winchester" and Friends





Thanks again for bringing Winchester into our lives, he’s made us and those around us so happy.





"Tanner" and "Maverick" 




Jim relaxing with our boys after a hard days work.






Hunter in family room with front legs wrapped around his baby bunny - note the basket of toys behind bed and collie carving on shelf- I send this so you can feel his hug.




















Wow. We are absolutely in love with Shaina and she is fitting into our home so well. It's like she's always been here somehow. Her temperament is so similar to Piper (our senior collie), she's gentle with the kids and she is learning her training items pretty good. She's sleeping next to me along with Piper right now in my office while I work. Thank you again for trusting us to adopt her into our family. We are thrilled!









"Maverick" completed his Basic Manners Course!






























"Lucy and Friend"








"Cindy and friends"


















"Cosmo" visits Santa!"









"Shandy and Dublin"







"Hava and Santa"










"Party" (8 years old) after being groomed.














Simba is doing very well. I attached a couple of recent photos and hope you enjoy them.
















I have officially retired from teaching so Sadie has me home full time now. We are loving it. Yesterday was her birthday. She just turned 7. I wish she would stop getting older. She is such a good girl. As time goes on I love her more and more!




"Levi Bailey"




Such a good boy!  I love this guy!   Thank you, Patti!



"Cosmo" and Kyah



This was a once in a lifetime opportunity for a once in a lifetime dog! "Cosmo" AKA Stonehaven's Out of This World, CGC CGCA CGCU TKN TKI TKA TKP VHMA FDC RN RI RA RE BN-V BCAT ATT  constantly blows me away with his love and devotion to do anything I ask of him. He is the love of my life! Next year we will take home the gold at the National Rally Championship! 









Just wanted to share Brodie’s 1st birthday photo. I hope all is well with you and your family.




"Java and friend"









Winnie is settled in. She is sweet and sassy.So glad we found you and her!







Hi Patti, just an update and picture of Beautiful Pippa. She is wonderful, in every way. She’s gentle, sleeps thru the night, with barely an accident, loves her walks and play time. She has been gentle with my grandchildren, age 2 and 5. As a horseman, I am very impressed with her “trot”. My old breeder would be envious, as she told me it is very desirable in the breed ring.








Thank you for your time yesterday and for allowing me to buy one of your puppies. My heart is so full and I am so grateful. He did get sick on the way home after becoming a little foam factory ��   Thank you for the crate pad!

He is settling in so well and his first night was amazing! He has only had one accident in the house, peeing in the kitchen last night. I just wasn’t quick enough. Learning his body language and getting him on a schedule here, I anticipate those ooopsies will be few and far between. 

I know we just met, but I felt like I was sitting down with a friend yesterday. I am sure it is because of our love of Jesus and Collies.








Maverick is pictured with my granddaughter Olivia who like us all is smitten with him. He is a very quick learner....I don't mean to over burden you with e-mails but he is everything we could ask for and more. Once he sees the vet he will be off to meet the rich and famous!












It was a very busy, happy week here!  Molly has made her joyful presence a welcome addition to our home. She has adjusted to our schedule very nicely by sleeping all night in her crate in our room and has happily explored her new surroundings.  Anna and Christopher along with Alyssa, have come home on their off-days for Molly cuddles and play.  Grandma already loves her too!  We all love her so much and are so grateful to have another wonderful puppy from you!






Our baby girl is settling very well...about 90% housebroken and sleeps thru the night in her crate. Thank you a million times over for allowing us the joy of sharing our life with another "Patti collie".























"Hosanna Joy and Betsy Ross"














Just thought I send you a picture of Annabelle, showing how beautiful she has become. So Majestic and always poised...  Can't hardly believe she has just turned 2 years old on December 8, 2020











Look who came in to watch TV with us......Thank you Patti Cox for sharing.





In Memory of "Rory"



"I want you to know that Rory had a good home here.  He was our everything and our lives revolved around his needs before our own. That's the way it was for over 11 years.

He entered our lives and filled it with love. He went everywhere with us and I'll never forget him. This picture was taken just 15 days ago, in Kennebunkport, ME with my daughter.  He was fragile here but still looking good.  

Last night, I found myself lost without him to walk.  I put on my jacket and went out anyway. I walked where we always walked together, looked at the stars alone, and cried again.  I called out his name but of course he was not there.  He's gone and won't be back.  When my time comes, if there is a heaven, I want him to be the one to greet me.

I hope you realize how much joy you bring to people with your wonderful Collies.
A million thank you's for allowing Rory to be a part of our lives."





Steve with Flirt, Ski and sheltie Alyce




"We went for a walk and sat in a beautiful field!" 









"Wanted to let you know that Simba is doing well and he is over 65lbs now." 







Shiloh Dalton






Gerry with GiGi











One more proud and happy Collie owner! 

~ Gerry from SB Calif. with GiGi






"Watson" (with brother "Holmes" in the background! ;-)




We are all settled in and very nicely. As soon as the pups were inside it was about two minutes the tails were up, they were trotting around exploring and very at home. I attached two stills of yesterday just entering the house. They are very interested in grass, tearing it up, rolling in it, playing in it, and napping on it. They are a pleasure, and very easy. Last night there was hardly a whimper out of either.





Patti I enjoyed meeting you today. All your collies are breathtaking.He is already a cuddler 

and he walks with the halter and leash on in front of me. In time he will learn to walk beside me.
I love him already, again I thank you from the bottom of my heart for trusting me with one of your precious pups. 




We had a great first night with Brodie! He slept till 5 am and he’s already being house trained and doing well. He’s a very angelic boy and smart as a whip.I’ve attached the photo of Daniela with Lassie from May 2005 and photos of Daniela with Brodie from yesterday. We had a little photo shoot when we got home.She is over the moon over this pup.Thank you from the bottom of my heart.





"So here he is, watching golfers go by our back deck, looking his usual regal self.
He’ll be 11 this year and doing well. We love him to pieces!"




"Good Buddies"




















The kids named him "Randy" We really love the little guy! He is getting big fast!











"Flirt & Ski"




































Austin relaxing after a four mile walk on the beach.








 Hi Patti,
Hope all is well. Austin will be a year next week and has definitely become a Cape Cod collie. Thought you might like to see him now. He's a little over 70 pounds and his coat is beautiful. People stop us to tell us how handsome he is. Finished his manners 1 class and starts manners 11 next week. He's full of puppy energy and keeps us busy trying to keep him busy. Wonderful sweet, sweet boy.
Donna and Charlie





"Willow" and new friend




I just wanted to tell you that the first 24 hrs. with Willow has been wonderful! She is such a great dog! She slept all night, did her business outside like a champ and made friends with her new family very easily! She walks beautifully on leash and is learning to sit and give paw on command! We are in love!! Thank you for entrusting us with her! She's amazing! 






What a love she is! We can’t thank you enough! 












Cosmo and friend








Hi Patti! We will definitely have to get together again soon! Cosmo was SOOO tired after we left he slept the rest of the day. He passed his CGC on Monday! He is on his way to becoming a great therapy dog. 








Pepper is doing great!!











Hi Patti, This little guy is doing great! I love him so much! He is perfectly crate trained - not one yip! He has 1 or 2 pee accidents per day, but I'm catching on to his tricks. He walks on the leash. I know it's a honeymoon and there will be some wild times as he gets bigger, but he's perfect.


















Just to let you know how happy I am with the puppy I adopted from you last Saturday.
I named her Annabelle. She is adjusting quite well. My older brother just adores her, he is dog sitting her these last few days while I am a work. My 3 brothers and I are dog people, we love dogs. 

Here is a picture of her (above) after playing with my brother yesterday, all tired out. so cute..
She seems to know how to give paw already. How smart.







Here's cute picture of Duncan you might enjoy, taken by a friend today. :)





"Cosmo" and Kyah





Thought you’d like to see Cosmo in his first snow. :-)



Hi Patti! I got a new comforter set and Cosmo approves of it! Thought you’d like to see what a little prince he is. He’s getting so much better for brushing and bathing as well! So many milestones the past week as well. He has FINALLY mastered going up and down the stairs. He learned how to sit and to come. He starts his basic training class next Thursday! I’m just so in love with him! 

Thank you for blessing me with the best thing to ever happen to me!






  "Fenway" (and friend, pictured below) is owned by Gerry Abrams from CA



Fenway thanks you!








Put him to bed last night, slept till 5 am. We are leaning towards Ski. Long story but fits him. He is such a sweet boy, we are blessed to have another Stonehaven collie in our home. Other dogs are doing well.










"We just wanted to send a picture along of Captain Titus!! He’s master of the yacht (just kidding) and has a wonderful time cruising from one end of the lake to another. He’s magnificent...but then we are totally biased!"






"Willow and Cody"




Hi Patti - The puppies are doing great, both are eating well, are very comfortable in their new home and are doing great with housetraining. We’re so happy we to have the two of them, they are a great addition to our family and great companions for each other. 


And an update (9/2/18). . . 


Here’s some pictures of the Pups over the past few weeks on vacation at the Jersey Shore.  They were the hit to the boardwalk in Atlantic City, couldn’t believe how many people stopped us to see the pups and talk about having Collies growing up.  They had a great time at the beach, loved running and chasing the waves.  They are getting very accustomed to staying in Hotels and rental homes, so well behaved and such a great temperament to travel with.
























Hi Patti-
He’s made himself right at home and he does cats!!! A few barks the first day at Tigger but everyone gets along now. He’s full of energy but knows his boundaries and is an absolute love!! ~Elizabeth






Hi Patti - dear friend. I wanted to send you a pic of me and my beautiful boy, Deacon, this week at the beach. Isn't he a magnificent little guy?! And the sweetest temperament...plus, like mine, his hair curls in the salt air! (see the fur around his ears in the pic?) We love him dearly, and are so very grateful to have him and to have met you through the process. Love, Michelle




We are excited that one of our Collies has been featured in Dog Fancy Magazine -  March 2013 issue!  Thank you to photographers Patricia and Robert Petit of Flintpondphoto for submitting their photographs!!







Patti,  Thank you so much for such a sweet and lovable puppy. She did great in the car. My parents just adored her and now we are on our way home. She is sleeping in my arms and enjoying the ride. 

I can't thank you enough. I am so very happy and lucky to have her.






Good Morning Patti, 

I wanted to let you know that our boy, now named Rupert or Roo for short has been just the PERFECT addition. He and Oliver have hit it off tremendously well. They play together (Oliver is sure to be gentle), snuggle and sleep together and just have been all around buds. The moment we brought Rupert in our home he ran around wagging his tail and was so excited. We can't thank you enough for him and for raising such lovely puppies. 







Patti - he is the most wonderful, amazing dog...he traveled home (2 hours in traffic!) without a peep...got right out of the car, calm as could be, and did his business. The meeting with Zoe was perfect....they look like near twins and are already following each other around the yard. I know we couldn't have found a more perfect dog for our family, and we owe it all to you and your loving spirit. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for this precious gift. We will treasure him always.






Here is "Lincoln" with his new family! Big sisters Avery, Charlotte and Eve (and Laney his furry sister) absolutely adore him! He is the missing piece our family has been looking for. Most of the time we find him following the kids around, or sitting at his new Mom and Dad's feet. He is a LOVE for sure!






     These sweeties are "Laddie" and "Lotta" who are enjoying spending the summer at the Cape 

     with owners Laurie and Belle Tenaglia.








"Stitch" the Boston Terrier and "Sadie" have become fast friends. . . Sadie (who is pictured below as a puppy) belongs to owner/friend Cindy. Thanks Cindy for the great pictures!!










". . .Yesterday was a balmy 25 degrees. You would have thought it was spring time. Sadie was outside for a good part of the day and enjoyed every minute of it along with everyone else in Syracuse. We cannot pass Cody (the Springer Spaniels) house without stopping. Sadie will not have it. They just love each other. They run every day, except of course when it is -10. On those days she plays inside. It is so funny to watch her herd her tennis balls. I throw 4 at a time and she tries to bring them all back. Here are a few pictures from our day. Love your collie friend, Cindy"





     "Nina". . .




     "Hi Patty, Our little Nina has been doing great. She got a bit sick on the way back home but we were able to pull over and cleaned her up right away. She hasn't had a single accident in the house so far, not even at night. She is enjoying sleeping in her new bed and did not even cry while sleeping in the crate last night.  She is such a bundle of joy. Elodie"



     A cute male who went to a customer in CT. . .








     "Sadie". . .



     "Well little Sadie settled right in last night and slept all night. She is up with me now exploring and playing with her toys. We facetimed my daughter Abigail who is away at college last night and she can’t wait to come home and meet her. She has the sweetest disposition. I don’t want to go to work today. I would love to stay with her all day. I can not begin to tell you the amount of joy she is bringing to me and the whole family in just the little time that she has been here. I met your daughter at the gas station yesterday so she was able to see Sadie off to her new home. She seems like a lovely person. It is so nice to have met you and your family and beautiful dogs. I will send pictures. Cindy"





"Coco" and friend. . .




"Coco" and Nathaniel. . .







   My name is "Cookie"! My new dad said I was one 

smart cookie and everyone liked it! 


"We all have a snow day today, at least 18" of wet 

heavy snow and it's still falling...sigh.






The photo above is from yesterday morning. Apparently the shoes were more comfortable to sleep on than the cushion, silly Cookie.


I'll absolutely keep you posted on her escapades.  You will always have a special place in my heart for all your love & dedication that went into raising these wonderful puppies! 

Fondly, Carol






"Romeo" (below) is owned and loved by Peg and Wes Garrison of CT. . .








       "love Jesse. . . so very well behaved!!!






Copyright © 2022 Patricia Cox  ~ Stonehaven Collies  ~ All Rights Reserved